Many widows in eSwatini are left alone to raise young children with no source of income
Buying chickens for a widow or a vulnerable family not only provides a food source, but an economic opportunity to earn wages as well.
Chicken coop projects will help prevent malnutrition and provide wages to help end this cycle of poverty.
Purchasing a sewing machine will provide life-changing opportunity for a young mother.
Purchasing sewing supplies helps to instill empowerment by supplying a widow with the tools she needs to earn an income.
Sustainable garden projects help prevent hunger and malnutrition
By growing different fruits and vegetables, vulnerable families are able to vary their diet and add essential nutrients to improve health.
($35 each OR $100 for 3 avocado, pawpaw & mango)
By helping a widow plow a field you are helping to provide food and essential nutrients health.
We act with discretion to identify these most vulnerable homes so that the children have food to eat. This serves only as a temporary solution, while we begin addressing available resources to present an income producing opportunity, or to teach Farming God’s Way so that families are able to grow their own foods.
Farming God's Way is a course to teach those in eSwatini the best ways to yield a good crop for themselves.
Give the gift of God's Word in the Siswati and English Languages
Give the gift of safe clean drinking water
At Project Love One, we believe that access to safe drinking water is a basic human right. That’s why we’re partnering with Filter of Hope to provide life changing water filtration systems to vulnerable families in Eswatini.
When you purchase a Filter of Hope system, you are giving the gift of clean, safe water
Medical kits for a vulnerable child will provide daily vitamins, deworming medication and more to meet their basic health needs.
Many orphans and vulnerable children experience malnutrition and lack basic health care. Medical kits for a vulnerable child will provide daily vitamins, deworming medication, and more to meet their basic health needs.
Help a child have fun by giving the gift of a soccer ball
What child doesn't love a soccer ball? This is the perfect gift for a child to get involved in global missions and be a part of sharing the love of Jesus!
While primary school is provided in eSwatini, many families can't afford uniforms, preventing many children from attending school.
Secondary schools, beginning in 8th grade, cost $450 annually to attend. Most orphans and vulnerable children are unable to finish their education. When you give the gift of education, you provide hope by breaking this cycle of poverty.
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